Friday, October 8, 2010

Adam Rodionov

Personal Blog


My name is Adam Boris Rodionov and I am a fourth year human movement’s student at QUT. Unlike most of the people in my degree I didn’t choose this field because of a long time obsession with sports. I am actually pretty bad at sports. As a kid I participated in Thai Kwan Do for 7 years and that was about as far as my sports participation went, and I didn’t even manage to get to black belt.

When I was 19 I moved to America where I worked as a Village Coordinator at a summer camp in Harrisonburg VA, and in the fall I worked as an outdoor recreation facilitator (high ropes, low ropes, rafting that sort of thing). From working at the camp I realized a passion that I had for working with people of all ages in a facilitator role, this realization lead me to my first degree choice; Secondary Education.

After a year of studying Secondary Education majoring in English and Film and Media Studies I decided that education wasn’t my bag so there was a need to find another degree.
At this time I was mid way through running and competing in a 3 month bodybuilding contest between myself and thirty or so of my friends and workmates and Human Movement studies literally was the field that was most closely related to my interests at the time.

Four years later and I don’t regret anything, I’m still not sure of what area I want to focus on after I graduate but I am confident that I am gaining the skills I need to find the career for me.

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