Monday, December 15, 2014

Exit 30 Crossfit - Personal Trainers wanted!

Personal Trainer/CrossFit Coaches

·         Unlimited business building opportunity
·         World class, cutting edge facility at your disposal
·         Extensive rent free period to assist your business development
·         Mentoring from industry experts

We are a private world class, cutting edge results based gym.  We specialise in CrossFit, Functional Training, Sports Training and Exercise Science.  Our gym is loaded with non-traditional implements to deliver results in a one of a kind environment and atmosphere.
We are looking for a highly motivated, ambitious, autonomous fitness expert to come aboard our team of trainers.

We will provide
·         Unlimited business building opportunities
·         Low overheads and costs
·         Commissions on membership sales
·         Mentorship from industry experts
·         Education on training methodologies and systems
·         Business development strategies
·         Cert III and IV in Fitness(or higher)
·         First Aid & CPR
·         Blue Card
·         Insurance
·         CrossFit Level 1 Coaching Certification(addition incentives will be offered)
·         Paid shifts including group sessions
·         Train your clients and build your business
·         Work within a team of great trainers
·         Interact, encourage and motivate members
   If you are motivated about Fitness and building a great career you love email your resume and a cover letter to Mark at .


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