Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Muscle Strain
Muscle strain, or muscle pull, or even a muscle tear, implies damage to a muscle or its attaching tendons, caused by the muscle being stretched beyond its limit, tearing the muscle fibers. While anyone can strain a muscle, strains usually occur during activities that require the muscle to tighten forcefully. The muscle is strained either because it is not properly stretched or warmed up before the activity, it is too weak, or because the muscle is already injured and not allowed time to recover. A similar injury occurs if there is a direct blow to the muscle. Once a muscle strain occurs, the muscle is vulnerable to reoccurrence of injury, so it’s important to let the muscle heal properly and to follow preventive protocols. The partial or complete tearing of the muscle can also damage small blood vessels, causing local bleeding (bruising) and pain (caused by irritation of the nerve endings in the area). The amount of swelling or local bleeding into the muscle (from torn blood vessels) can best be managed by implementing the RICE principle. That is; Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation. The main purpose of this principle is to control inflammation levels, immobilise the site of injury and enhance the recovery process.
Increase Exercise in Your Life!
Increasing exercise in your life has substantial benefits for on your health. Increasing exercise increases your resting metabolic rate, which burns those extra calories at rest. There are millions of ways to increase exercise in your life. Some examples are included below:
•Walking the dog
•Taking the stairs instead of the elevator/escalator
•Walking to the bus instead of driving
•Walking to work
•Bike riding
-casually with a friend or family member
-to work or bus
•Exercising with a friend
•Team sports
•Exercising in your office – use of therabands, water bottles, body weight eg:
-Bicep curls
-Shoulder raises
-Chair Squats
-Chair dips
-Push ups
•Team challenges – ie. 12 week challenge(Fitnance)
Monday, August 30, 2010
Johanna and the Macbeths!
Johanna and the Macbeths.
National Hip Hop Champions!
Well done girls!
National Hip Hop Champions!
Well done girls!
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Core Exercises
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Monday, August 16, 2010
PFPS (Alex Gray - QUT)
What is PFPS?!
PFPS stands for Patello-Femoral Pain Syndrome, it is an idiopathic pain, in and around the patella that can involve the patella tendon as well as the patella capsule. Often people with this will feel pain in the eccentric phase of knee extension, this pain will be located either on the posterior aspect if the patella, on the proximal or distal aspect of the patella tendon insertion.
PFPS can be caused by several different things, when located above the patella, it is generally thought to be from a muscular imbalance between the Hamstrings/Gluteus Max, VL/VMO and tightness in TFL. This causes mistracking of the patella laterally and results in irritation to the patella capsule resulting in pain behind the patella. When located below the kneecap, a biomechanical issue can be the cause, generally this is the type that develops in women, as they have a greater Q-angle, above 15 deg, (that is the angle between the hip to proximal aspect of the patella and then to the tibia tuberosity) than men causing a a mistracking of the patella resulting in pain in the distal and posterior aspect of the patella.
Primary treatment is usually NSAID’s and rest to reduce inflammation and decrease the likelihood of osteoarthritis of the patella capsule.
Secondary treatment is usually a visit to a physiotherapist to ‘loosen’ off the tightened muscles, which results in a reduction in mistracking, the physiotherapist while often, after the first couple of visits given knee extensors stretches and isometric exercises.
Tertiary treatment is then strength and conditioning of the knee extensors, this involves un-weighted squats, squat and hold at 90 deg at the knee joint, knee extensions of the last 30 deg.
Treatment is good but prevention is better, so how though?
Proper technique during knee extension exercises is of the utmost importance, as well not pushing too hard and overtraining. Stretching post work outs is another key component if you do suffer, PFPS, tightness in the ITB, or tightness in the Tibialis Anterior. If you are an overpronator as well orthotics are another thing to think about this will help correct the Q-angle issues that can cause problems, but try and get professionally made ones as they will suit your foot properly.
Alex Gray - QUT HMS
My name is Alex, and I’m a QUT Human Movements student. Currently I am in my final year of study and am looking forward to finally finishing uni as it’s been a long grind of around 6years.
During this time though I have had experiences in field surrounding HM, such as Nutrition/Dietetics and Medical Herbalism. I think this has given me a greater understanding and respect for the health and lifestyle field. Where to after uni? Like most uni students I have no idea at the moment, I still have a lot of practical experience left to do and really this will give me an idea, hopefully, of where I want to go after uni. In my mind though, I’m looking at the field of Strength & Conditioning as this an area I’ve been involved for the best part of my life. In the past I’ve had experience with training Craig Stevens the Olympic swimmer, and the Qatari National Football team, I’ve seen what is done and it greatly interests me. This field however, is greatly competitive and a lot of effort and possibly future study is probably going to be required, so we’ll see how I go.
Wish me luck!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Hey everybody its Andrew again, I’m going to write a quick blog about the do’s and don’ts in regards to nutrition. Firstly it is very important to make sure you have a good breakfast in the morning as this kick starts your metabolism and gives you energy for the day. If you skip breakfast you are more likely to eat more overall and this usually leads to unhealthy food choices. Next, break up your meals, instead of three large meals maybe have six small meals consisting of low G-I, low fat options. This will make you less likely to snack, will speed up your body’s metabolism and will increase your daily energy levels. Avoid lots of fast foods and start making your own meals, this way you know exactly what you’re taking in and there are no hidden additives. You may think this takes a lot of time, however, there are ways of quickly making healthy meals. For example you can prepare meals for the week and refrigerate or freeze them. Last but not least limit your intake of saturated fats and concentrate on complex carbohydrates rather than simple.
Good morning all! My name is Lisa and I’m currently undertaking my practical work experience here at Fitnance as part of my Human Movement studies at QUT. I have always had a great interest in health and fitness. Starting at a young age I have participated and coached a variety of sports and activities. These ranged from gymnastics through to athletics, touch football, soccer, boxing and long-distance running, just to name a few. With a background in Nursing, I appreciate the importance of health and fitness and its contribution to a better quality of life. Today I am a dedicated fun-runner, having recently completed the Noosa half-marathon and preparing to undertake the Bridge to Brisbane on the 29th of August. As a Nurse I have worked predominantly in paediatrics, however my passion to share my knowledge and love of health & fitness as an exercise physiologist extends across all ages. Whether it be general fitness, rehabilitation or specific sporting goals I enjoy assisting individuals in achieving their optimal performance. You are never too old or young to start; the rewards you will reap are life-long!
Hey everyone, my name is Andrew and I have been actively involved in fitness for the past 5 years. I started off at Southbank Institute of Technology where I completed a certificate 3 and 4 in fitness and got stuck into the gym. On finishing my degree I received a job with Livingwell as a gym instructor and personal trainer. I had lots of fun and gained valuable experience; unfortunately Livingwell was bought by fitness first so I moved to Goodlife at Holland Park. Goodlife provided new challenges including, setting up my own business, competing against other trainers and building a client base. After a year I decided to go back to University to gain more knowledge so that I can one day open my own studio or work as an exercise physiologist.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Dwain Chambers Drug Regime!
This is the letter supplied by Vitor Conte (Balco supplier) to Dwain Chambers, outlining his doping program! Very scary!
Dear Dwain,
Per your request, this letter is to confirm I am willing to assist you in providing UK Sport and others with information that will help them to improve the effectiveness of their anti-doping programs.
The specific details regarding how you were able to circumvent the British and IAAF anti-doping tests for an extended period of time are provided below.
Your performance enhancing drug program included the following seven prohibited substances: THG, testosterone/epitestosterone cream, EPO (Procrit), HGH (Serostim), insulin (Humalog), modafinil (Provigil) and liothryonine, which is a synthetic form of the T3 thyroid hormone (Cytomel).
THG is a previously undetectable designer steroid nicknamed "the clear." It was primarily used in the off season and was taken two days per week, typically on Mondays and Wednesdays. Generally, these were the two most intense weight-training days of the week. The purpose was to accelerate healing and tissue repair. Thirty units (IU) of the liquid was place under the tongue during the morning time-frame. THG was used in cycles of "three weeks on and one week off."
Testosterone/epitestosterone cream was also primarily used during the off season. It was rubbed into the skin on the front of the forearm two days per week, typically Tuesdays and Thursdays. The dosage was ½ gram which contained 50mg of testosterone and 2.5mg of epitestosterone (20 to 1 ratio). The purpose was to offset the suppression of endogenous testosterone caused by the use of the THG and to accelerate recovery. The testosterone/epitestosterone cream was also used in cycles of three weeks on and one week off.
EPO was used three days per week during the "corrective phase", which is the first two weeks of a cycle. Typically, it was on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. It was only used once per week during the "maintenance phase" thereafter, typically this was every Wednesday. The dosage was 4,000 IU per injection. The purpose was to increase the red blood cell count and enhance oxygen uptake and utilization. This substance provides a big advantage to sprinters because it enables them to do more track repetitions and obtain a much deeper training load during the off season. EPO becomes undetectable about 72 hours after subcutaneous injection (stomach) and only 24 hours after intravenous injection.
HGH was used three nights per week, typically on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Each injection would contain 4.5 units of growth hormone. Once again, this substance was used primarily during the off season to help with recovery from very strenuous weight training sessions.
Insulin was used after strenuous weight training sessions during the off season. Three units of Humalog (fast-acting insulin) were injected immediately after the workout sessions together with a powdered drink that contained 30 grams of dextrose, 30 grams of whey protein isolates and 3 grams of creatine. The purpose was to quickly replenish glycogen, resynthesize ATP and promote protein synthesis and muscle growth. Insulin acts as a "shuttle system" in the transport of glucose and branch chain amino acids. There is no test available for insulin at this time.
Modafinil was used as a "wakefulness promoting" agent before competitions. The purpose was to decrease fatigue and enhance mental alertness and reaction time. A 200mg tablet was consumed one hour before competition.
Liothryonine was used help accelerate the basic metabolic rate before competitions. The purpose was to reduce sluggishness and increase quickness. Two 25mg tablets were taken one hour before competition. There is no test available for liothryonine at this time.
In general terms, explosive strength athletes, such as sprinters, use anabolic steroids, growth hormone, insulin and EPO during the off season. They use these drugs in conjunction with an intense weight training program, which helps to develop a strength base that will serve them throughout the competitive season. Speed work is done just prior to the start of the competitive season.
It is important to understand it is not really necessary for athletes to have access to designer anabolic steroids such as THG. They can simply use fast-acting testosterone (oral as well as creams and gels) and still easily avoid the testers. For example, oral testosterone will clear the system in less than a week and testosterone creams and gels will clear even faster.
Many drug-tested athletes use what I call the "duck and dodge" technique. Several journalists in the UK have recently referred to it as the "duck and dive" technique. This is basically how it works.
First, the athlete repeatedly calls their own cell phone until the message capacity is full. This way the athlete can claim to the testers that they didn't get a message when they finally decide to make themselves available. Secondly, they provide incorrect information on their whereabouts form. They say they are going to one place and then go to another. Thereafter, they start using testosterone, growth hormone and other drugs for a short cycle of two to three weeks.
After the athlete discontinues using the drugs for a few days and they know that they will test clean, they become available and resume training at their regular facility.
Most athletes are tested approximately two times each year on a random out-of -competition basis. If a tester shows up and the athlete is not where they are supposed to be, then the athlete will receive a "missed test". This is the equivalent to receiving "strike one" when up to bat in a baseball game. The current anti-doping rules allow an athlete to have two missed tests in any given eighteen-month period without a penalty or consequence. So, the disadvantage for an athlete having a missed test is that they have one strike against them. The advantage of that missed test is the athlete has now received the benefit of a cycle of steroids. Long story short, an athlete can continue to duck and dive until they have two missed tests, which basically means that they can continue to use drugs until that time.
In summary, it's my opinion that more than fifty percent of the drug tests performed each year should be during the off season or the fourth quarter. This is when the track athletes are duckin' and divin' and using anabolic steroids and other drugs. Let me provide some rather startling information for your consideration. If you check the testing statistics on the USADA website, you will find that the number of out-of-competition drug tests performed during each quarter of 2007 are as follows: in the first quarter there were 1208, second quarter 1295, third quarter 1141 and in the fourth quarter there were only 642.
In late 2003 I advised USADA about the importance of random testing during the fourth quarter of the year. They did initially seem to follow my advice because they increased the number of fourth-quarter tests in 2004, 2005 and 2006.
However, they failed to continue this practice in 2007. Why would USADA decide to perform only 15% of their annual out-of-competition tests during the fourth quarter? Let's not forget that this is the off season before the upcoming summer Olympic Games. This is equivalent to a fisherman knowing that the fish are ready to bite and then consciously deciding that it is time to reel in his line and hook, lean his fishing pole up against a tree and take a nap.
On several occasions, I have provided detailed information to both USADA and WADA in an attempt to help them establish more effective testing policies and procedures.
I certainly have more information that I would like the opportunity to provide to you and UK Sport, but I will leave that for another time.
Hopefully, this information will be helpful and I am available to assist you further upon request.
Yours sincerely,
Victor Conte
(Sourced from BBC news)
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Naomi Watts
Hey all, my name is Naomi and I’m a QUT student studying Human Movement and currently completing my practical work experience here at Fitnance. I have always been a lover of the fitness industry, participating in many sports from a young age. I represented my school for Volleyball in the Melbourne national schools cup in 2006, attained 3 coach’s awards and also won Pierre De Coubertin Award in 2007 for my academic and sporting achievements. Currently I play volleyball and netball on a weekly basis however, when possible, I love participating in more challenging activities such as rock-climbing, hiking or kayaking. When I was young I dreamed of being paid to exercise or play sport for money, I settled for second best- conditioning other people. Whether it be for rehabilitative purposes or for reaching athletic goals, training others is rewarding and an activity I have always enjoyed.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Han Sol
Hi, I am Han-Sol or you can call me Ian. At the moment I am studying Bachelor of Exercise and Sports Science at University of Queensland. I am completing my practicum hours here at Fitnance. I enjoy watching and playing sports, in particular rugby (league and union) and touch football. Back when I was a young kid I used to play Q-league (touch football) and football at primary school. From the transition to primary school to high school I gave up on football and stepped up to play rugby union for the State High ‘C’ team. Even though I was part of a team that lost every game for 3 years in a row, I still enjoyed every minute of it!!
I decided that working in a health and fitness will be a great option as my interest was sports and human physiology. These interests have motivated me to help others to strive for a healthier life.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Endurance Training
Endurance events have a large metal aspect to them. Repetitive movement has a lasting effect on joints muscles and the mind. While training for increasing efficiency over Long distance can be achieved to an extent by effective High Intensity Formats there is an essential need for Endurance Work if planning long endurance events.
Long Slow Distance is necessary to develop efficient movement technique in your chosen discipline.
LSD can condition the body to cope with such extended bouts of repetitive abuse.This means the little details such as clothing rub,blisters etc as well as conditioning soft tissue.
LSD can prepare you mentally for the extended duration involved.Pushing oneself or pushing together in a group through a long event can build metal determination and confidence in team mates.
Experience in such training will also expose the individual to the elements, conditions and contingencies that are often unpredictable,exposure to such experiences can be invaluable for race or emergency situations.
Need a program or Personal Training for an Endurance Event?
Talk to Fitnance
Well Done Jets
IPSWICH JETS 40 (Luke Walker 3, Marshall Chalk 2, Jacob Ling, Michael Fisher, Ramon Filipine tries; Smith Samau 2, Jacob Ling 2 goals) def TWEED HEADS SEAGULLS 26 (Shannon Walker, James Wood, Brad Davis, Josh Graham tries; Brad Davis 5 goals) at North Ipswich Reserve.
A HAT-TRICK of tries from Ipswich winger Luke Walker lifted the Jets to a 40-26 win over Tweed Heads in Saturday’s Intrust Super Cup clash at the North Ipswich Reserve.
The FOGS team also had a good win over Tweed.
Friday, August 6, 2010
More Pract students
I am Sam! Currently studying Human Movement Studies at QUT, and completing work experience here at Fitnance. I could say I like long walks on the beach, but I much prefer running the sand dunes. My background includes, a short career of 5 years in Surf Life Saving (Broome WA)-competing at regional and state levels. I moved to Brisbane in 2005, and swapped to team sports-hockey, soccer, cricket etc. Health and Fitness has always been an area of interest for me. Having knee injuries from as young as 9 years of age, I’ve spent a lot of my time with physiotherapists (origin and insertion specialists) and orthopaedic specialists. Let’s just say almost tearing bone off your knee cap at 9 years of age isn’t fun. At the moment, I work for Coles online… so basically I get paid to shop! In regards to a career I plan to finish my Human Movements degree and hope to move into rehabilitation, as this is where, unfortunately, I’ve spent most of my child and adolescent life. Working with kids and teaching them about exercise early in life is also a great area of interest for me.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Functional Strength Conditioning
Functional Strength Conditioning
Functional Strength and Conditioning is the productive application of force.
In training formats this is represented perfectly in functional movement patterns. So we mimic in training the most efficient motor recruitment patterns found in everyday life. Functional Strength training therefore becomes more than a method of simply increasing contractile capacity/strength.
Strength is the muscle’s ability to generate large levels of force. Increased force is directly proportional to the cross sectional area of the muscle. Strength as productive force requires in application, agility balance and coordination.
Power is the ability to move large mass though a set range of motion in a short period of time. Productive Power or Applied power is to understand acceleration in movement.
Power, speed and strength have essential coordination, accuracy, agility and balance components.
Functional strength training seeks to address all the related issues of relative power & strength in each session.
Try a Fitnance Class for Funcional Strength Training!
The Primal Blue Print
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